Love, Love, Love my JOB!

I had a very enjoyable little break with my sweet family. I really enjoy the time off I get to have with my babe, Jonah. He allows my brain to come back to reality and RELAX! I got to spend some great time with friends and family.... : ) ahhh..finally relaxed & rested!

I did miss my little kiddos back at school. They are so adorable and make me very happy! I've been working very hard on some "Winter" themed center/stations for them. I finally got them done tonight and I can't wait to get them laminated and ready for their stations!  I love the holiday season and so do the kids! It's very hard keeping them interested and engaged this time of year. I am hoping these activities can help! You can find the activities here: 

I have been very pleased with how the blogging community has been treating me. You all are wonderful! Thank you for making me feel welcomed. 

Have a great night : )

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