Back to School Giveaway!

Hey guys!! Happy BACK to SCHOOL time!! I've teamed up with some amazing teachers to show you all some LOVE. We know how hard teachers work and how they could use a little bit of extra love this time of year. So we decided to show our love and appreciation by giving away a $200 Tieks gift card (THE most comfy shoes available) AND a $150 TpT gift card. 
You can enter the contest 41 times.. yes 41 TIMES! You just need to enter through the Rafflecopter link below. GOOD LUCK

You have until August 12th to enter. The winner will be announced and contacted on August 13th. 

 A special thank you to Tina PeyerlSocial Studies SuccessPrimary Fairy TalesElementary Me – I Heart TeachingPocketful of CentersPrintablePromptsElementary IslandKindergarten RocksTara Hardink – My First Grade ZooLindsey’s Classroom CreationsRainbow City LearningRead Write Teach ELALittle House LessonsPrimary Planet by Hilary GardKadeen TeachesBethany McClure – Teaching for FunThe Primary PostKim HauerTeaching in My Flip FlopsMrs. Richard EE ResourcesElementary at HEART , Firstieland , Learning Inspired , Primary on the Prowl , Littlesandlit , Teach Without Tears , Sparkle in Second , Learning with MAI , 1stgradefireworks , The Resourceful Apple , Kinderbrations , Bilingual Teach and Tell Us , Teach Love AutismKooKoo KindergartenLearning and Loving It – Andrea RodriguezSouthern DrawlJulie Davis – Big Ideas for Little Hands,Anchored in ReadingSparklle SLP, and A Library and Garden for participating in this fabulous teacher giveaway! Be sure to check out their TPT stores!

It's all about the Busy Bins!!

You guys!! I am obsessed with how amazingly well my kiddos do with Busy Bins! Have you heard about them yet? WELL, they are the bees knees! I was so bogged down with silly morning work worksheets. I  was over the fact some students would finish in 2 minutes while others would literally be rolling around on the floor because one they didn't want to do a worksheet or two because the material was too hard for them. So, over the summer I came up with a genius (in my humble opinion) idea to create something that would be: hands-on, follow the standards, incorporate science (which is always a task), and allow for students to stay engaged at their level of learning. What I came up with was "Busy Bins". These aren't your typical STEM or STEAM learning boxes, these are SO much more. Busy Bins incorporate it all! BONUS they are free to be changed up as you see fit for your kiddos!!

Please, I am begging you to PLEASE try to spice up your morning routine. Students are bored with worksheets and I know as a teacher I was bored of them too!! As my gift to you, I am giving you a free look into Busy Bins as well as a FREE Busy Bin starter of your own. All you have to do is sign up for my email list and your freebie will immediately be sent to you. As a subscriber you will also get my free Busy Bin starter kit within the next few weeks. What do you say? Are you ready to make a change!?

Here are a few photos of Busy Bins: