Happy New Year!!!

This year is already off to a great start! I love my new kiddos and I know this year is going to be incredible! I spent a lot of my summer participating professional development opportunities that have helped me to grow as an educator and I am thrilled to embark on the new changes this year will bring. 

My baby Jonah began his first year of preschool this year! It's a bittersweet feeling, but I know he is in good hands and that God has an amazing plan for Jonah.
Apple Place Value Card- FREEBIE
I am excited to see my store off to a strong start this school year- so to say, "Thank You", I made a FREEBIE for you all to enjoy! I hope you all have a great school year and remember not to sweat the small stuff... 

200 Follower Sale!

So, today our state superintendent Glenda Ritz visited our school. She stopped by my classroom and I had the pleasure of meeting her. She loved my bright and beautiful classroom! It was definitely a proud and memorable teacher moment for me. 

AND in other good news....

I am very proud to announce that I've hit 200 followers on my Teachers Pay Teachers site! Therefore, I am throwing a 20% off SALE starting tomorrow! Come and buy your goods and save 20%! Also, don't forget to follow me on here, too! Thank you for your support!


I posted a new product to my TpT on Friday! It's a packet of word study foldables! I am in love with foldables and so are my kiddos. We do at least one a week and also use them a ton in our interactive math and reading notebooks. They are a fun and easy way to get students engaged. I also love them because they are an easy formative assessment. Check out this amazing product!

Wonderful Word Study Foldables

I am going to try something... I was inspired by another TpT seller that sold their new products at 20% off- I thought that was a great idea considering new products often have a hard time selling because there isn't feedback!! Hopefully it works! (leave feedback hint hint)

I am going to be posting a fun freebie today! I know this is a stressful time of the year for a lot of teachers because of the testing that is happening. Hopefully the freebie will brighten up you and your kiddos week. Have a great week!

You Oughta Know About- GoNoodle!

GoNoodle is an awesome tool that all teachers should be using! It gives kiddos a little dance break opportunity and keeps their brains awake and focused! My students love it!! Best of all it's free!!! 

Check it out at GoNoodle.com!!!!

Feedback advice...

So, if you are a TpT seller we both know how important feedback is for our success and for our business in general. Last week, I had someone give me negative feedback on my best selling product that has a 4.0 rating with 45 ratings and it made me sick to my stomach.  I am upset because she was complaining about how the product wasn't what she wanted and it didn't cover the standards she was teaching. However, the product was created with specific standards in mind (which are CLEARLY posted on the item description). It was her mistake  she bought my product in the first and it wasn't my mistake at all. She needed to have purchased a product that was geared towards K-1 and not 2nd grade... 

It hurt my feelings. It literally ruined my entire DAY! I am/was upset because it wasn't anything that I should have been penalized for-instead it was her fault for not reading my product description- yet I have to pay for her mistake. 

I need advice on how to handle these circumstances because this did not go over well with me at ALL! Has anyone else experienced this? What did you do? How did you handle it? Can anyone give me some advice?

Currently February

I found out this week that I am going to be going to a Fleetwood Mac concert on Valentine's Day! I AM SO EXCITED! If you know anything about me, you know that I am a music junkie- especially classic rock and Fleetwood Mac will always hold a special place in my <3. Also, the tickets are on the floor which is going to make this experience EVEN better! I can't wait!! 

Here's a picture of the hubby and I going out in the blizzard on Sunday! IT WAS so scary! But, he's the best driver- and we have a Jeep which makes matters better...not PERFECT but better. I want everyone to know that just because we have a Jeep doesn't make us invincible! It's still very terrifying for me to travel in the snow. 
I'm definitely the Queen of Comfort because as soon as I get home from teaching, before I do ANYTHING, I change into yoga pants and big hooded sweatshirts. My hubby says that I am a "yoga pants ninja". I take pride in that! Also, I am all about massages, facials, long baths, fluffy pillows, etc. Basically anything that is comfy you can find me taking part in it! 

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

New Products & FREEBIE!

I've been working hard on some fun products that will hopefully be helpful for you all! I want to encourage all of you to take some time in February and talk to your kiddos about dental health. As a mommy and a teacher I can't stress the value of healthy teeth enough. In my teaching days, I've seen so many kiddos with cavities and dental health problems and it scares me to think about the days to come for some of them! I'd like to think the unit I've come up with will save some of your students sweet little little teeth! I can't wait to teach this unit to my kiddos. I think they will love it! I am going to add it in at the end of the day 2-3x a week in February. Each lesson should only take about 10-15 minutes. 

*BRUSH, RINSE, and FLOSS* A Dental Health Unit

Also, I've started to playing around with creating my own clipart. The clipart that I've come up with isn't that "great"...but it's cute and it's mine so I am proud. I've made it a *FREEBIE* just in time for Valentine's Day for all of my sweet TpT followers and fellow teachers. I am using it to make cute coupons for my kiddos. I hope you enjoy it! 

*FREEBIE* Heart Frame<My first attempt at clipart! CLICK to                                                                                                enjoy your FREE Valentine's Frame!

*Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE 2 hour delays!?*

Have a wonderful day!

Workin' Hard! & GiVEAWAY TiME!!

So, I've been a little bit out of the loop on my blog this school year, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working very hard making new and exciting projects for teachers and students! I've also spent some time helping colleagues learn the basics on how to earn some extra money on TpT! It's exciting for me to see some of my coworkers blossom into TpT sellers!

My latest project has me all excited! I'm almost done working on it and I'll be posting it to my store later this evening... 

I've also been thinking about how to get more of a following on here... And I think offering some freebies might be a way to get some more followers! So, my next 10 followers will get to choose any product 5.00 and under from my store for *FREE*!! I will need you to also recommend or make a post about my blog and store on your blog to make it official! I'm really excited about this! So good luck and when you become a follower please leave a comment with  product you would like! Thanks!!